C++ Programming (Class 60) ¡© Spring Semester 2018

Prof. Ki-Joune Li, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pusan National University,

1. Materials 

ž   Introduction (slide)

ž   Review on C-language (Recursion, Pointer and malloc, file I/O)

ž   Sample Programs and Basic Concepts (slide)

ž   Classes (slide, video, sample)

ž   Operator Overloading (slide)

ž   String (slide, sample program)

ž   I/O Stream (slide, sample program)

ž   Inheritance (slide, sample program)

ž   Templates (slide)

ž   Exception Handling (slide)

ž   STL (slide)

ž   How to debug with Code:Blocks (pdf)

2. Assignments

ž   Assignment #1 ¡© review on C language

ž   Assignment #2 ¡© Character Processing

ž   Assignment #3 ¡© File i/o and sorting

ž   Assignment #4 ¡© Pointers

ž   Assignment #5 ¡© Double Pointer and String

ž   Assignment #6 ¡© a sample program in C++

ž   Assignment #7¡©  Class Constructor/Destructor

ž   Assignment #8¡©  Type Casting Constructors

ž   Assignment #9¡©  Operator Overloading

ž   Assignment #10 String and I/O stream

ž   Assignment #11 Inheritance and Polymorphism

ž   Assignment #12 Template, STL, and Exception Handling

3. Announcements