Assignment #4 - Pointers

Program functions with the following functions. The main program, which calls these functions, will be given at the lab. A structure type Student is given;


#define nameLength 40

typedef struct {

int age;

int ID;

float score;

char name[nameLength];

} Student;


1) Function ReadStudents that reads data from given file, stores them at a dynamically allocated memory space (by malloc function), and returns the address;


int ReadStudents(char* filename, Student **students)

The return value is the number of students read from the file, and the file format is as below;

21 201424156 3.58 Mal-Dong Kim

22 201322548 4.15 Soo-Min Lee



2) Function PrintID that prints the name of student with ID;

int PrintID(Student *students, int n, int ID)


Note that n is the number of students. If the student with ID is found, then return 1, otherwise return 0.


3) Function SearchScore that prints the names of students whose score are within [minScore, maxScore]

int SearchScore(Student *students, int n, float minScore, float maxScore)


The return value is the number of students whose scores are within the interval.


Oral Test on March 22

